Unsure how to sell right now? Watch this.
Posted on May 25th, 2020 to Uncategorized
This month, I’ve been hosting weekly Sales Roundtables for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and I wanted to share perhaps the most difficult question that keeps coming up:
“I’m just not sure how to go about selling right now. I don’t want to be seen as profiting off of the pandemic, so what do I do?”
If you can relate to this question, and to the feelings of guilt and shame that are coming up for others, I invite you to click play on this video.
As you’ll hear me share, I always encourage you to look at sales from both an energetic and tactical standpoint, because unless it feels good to you energetically, all tactics and strategies will fall short.
So, step #1 is to get into the right mindset for moving your business forward — because if you’re in a position to serve and earn right now, the world needs you to lean in.
When you’re ready to take action, I suggest doing two things:
1. Get reacquainted with your ideal client: Grab a pen and paper and write down all the pain points and challenges your ideal clients typically have. Then, give it a think — have those pain points changed or deepened with the pandemic? How are you uniquely qualified to help with their current needs? If you’re unsure, reach out to a few and ask them — some updated market research is never a bad thing.
2. Reach out. This is where I see a lot of people getting stuck, uncertain how to reach out without sounding tone deaf. I suggest trying the “reluctant hero” approach — leading with empathy, expressing understanding that this is a difficult time, but remaining curious whether the client may be experiencing some of the same challenges you’ve been called upon by others to resolve. (Check out the video for more tips on this approach.)
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this — drop a comment below.