Sales Roundtable: Pricing Edition
Posted on November 21st, 2023 to Uncategorized
For most small business owners I work with, evaluating pricing tends to come in reaction to a problem — hearing “You’re too expensive” from a prospect, learning that a direct competitor is charging more for the same services (and winning exciting business), or considering offering discounts in the face of a thin pipeline.
As with many things in life, making important decisions while in reaction mode often isn’t the best idea.
That’s why I invited two of my savviest colleagues — Jacquette M. Timmons, Financial Behaviorist, and Erin Halper, CEO of The Upside — to join me on a recent Sales Roundtable for a dedicated discussion about pricing.
We tackled a lot together — pricing models, discounting, scarcity mindset, when to bring up pricing with prospects, whether or not to share pricing on your website, and more! Check it out here: